Chiropractic in Pregnancy
Webster Technique
Both Doctors are Webster Certified and ICPA Members
The Webster Technique is a chiropractic technique used during pregnancy to help optimize the mother's pelvic function. It aims to balance pelvic muscles and ligaments to potentially improve birth outcomes. This balanced state of the pelvis has been clinically demonstrated to allow for optimal fetal positioning. As published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) there is an 82% success rate of babies turning vertex when doctors of chiropractic used the Webster Technique. This data suggests that a well-balanced and aligned pelvis can provide the baby an ideal environment for which it can turn naturally into a more desirable position for birth. The Webster Technique is NOT a baby-turning technique.
This therapy may be utilized throughout the entire pregnancy as well as in any individuals suffering from pelvic imbalances. It includes a gentle analysis and correction that is often very well tolerated.
Our expectant mothers can expect a full history and physical similar to all new patients of Align. Treatment will vary based on the patient's presentation at each visit. The typical Webster visit will involve assessment of the pelvis and the associated muscles and ligaments which support it. Treatment that involves laying face down will utilize specialized pregnancy pillows (as pictured below).
To read more about the Webster technique and how it may benefit you please visit the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association or the American Pregnancy Association websites.